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Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae
versión On-line ISSN 2412-4265versión impresa ISSN 1017-0499


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Studia Hist. Ecc. vol.46 no.3 Pretoria  2020

 ·  The Escape of the Black Self
Moshoadiba, Monethi William; Senokoane, Boitumelo Ben

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 ·  Killings and Violence in Northern Mozambique within a Context of Religion: Muslim and Christian (2017-2018)
da Silva, Fernando Caldeira

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 ·  Children of God: Exploring URCSA's Catechetical Sexual Ethic
Thyssen, Ashwin

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 ·  Liberationist Icon or Conservative Leader? Ismael Mwai Mabiu's Afro-Pentecostalism and Ecclesiastical Leadership in Kenya
Njogu, Geoffrey Karimi

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 ·  The Possibilities of a Clergy Labour Union within the Covenantal Relationship of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa
Khuzwayo, Sifiso

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 ·  Emerging Ecumenical Church Polity, 1965-2010: Lessons from Efforts at Church Unity in Zambia
Msiska, Godfrey; Duncan, Graham

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 ·  Integrated Pentecostal Ministry of Richard Ngidi in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, 1921-1985
Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon

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 ·  Reading the URCSA Church Order with African Lenses: A Belhar Confession Perspective
Modise, Leepo

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 ·  Addicts of Gender-Based Violence: Patriarchy as the Seed-bed of Gendered Witchcraft Accusations
Kgatla, Selaelo Thias

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 ·  Nigerian Pentecostalism, Alternative State, and the Question of Accountability
Igboin, Benson Ohihon

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 ·  Fledgling South African Anglicanism and the Roots of Ritualism
Bethke, Andrew-John

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 ·  Retrieving and Articulating Liberative Aspects of the Sabbath Doctrine in Context of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa
Magagula, Zondi Paul

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 ·  Salvation in Matthew 5:17-20 and its Implications in the Church in Antioch and St James Kajire Anglican Parish, Kenya
M'bwangi, Fednand Manjewa

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 ·  A Reconstruction of Matthew Jacha Rusike's Contribution to the Re-humanisation of Dehumanised Children in Zimbabwe 1950-1978
Mujinga, Martin

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 Book Reviews
 ·  Ecclesiastical Law, Hill M
Duncan, Graham A.

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 ·  The Trial of African Solidarity (vol I): Is this the Africa we Fought for? Kuzituka Did'ho J-M
Duncan, Graham A.

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 ·  Christianity in the Twentieth Century: A World History, by B. Stanley
Duncan, Graham A

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