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Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
versão On-line ISSN 2224-9435
versão impressa ISSN 1019-9128


J. S. Afr. Vet. Assoc. vol.95 no.1 Pretoria  2024

 Original Research
 ·  The potential effect of Garlium GEM HCTM as a tick control agent in cattle
Hagg, FM; Erasmus, LJ; Stoltsz, WH

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 ·  Evidence for a host switching in the maintenance of canid rabies variant in two wild carnivore species in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Ngoepe, CE; Shumba, W; Sabeta, C

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 ·  Ketamine-butorphanol-medetomidine for the immobilisation of free-living hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)
Roug, A; Meyer, L; Netshitavhadulu, L; Leiberich, M; Buss, P

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 ·  Comparison of exposure of the radius afforded by the craniomedial and craniolateral open surgical approaches in dog cadavers
Crowdis, SK; Lewis, DD

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 ·  A novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay to diagnose feline panleukopenia
Bakde, RA; Rathish, RL; John, L; Deepa, PM; Vijayakumar, K

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 ·  Parasites burden in peri-urban free-roaming pigs in Gert Sibande District Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
Munzhelele, P; Sibeko, NPS; Oguttu, JW; Mbajiorgu, CA; Fasina, FO

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 ·  Effect of asiatic acid supplementation in tris-extender on post-thaw functional competence, antioxidant enzyme activity and in vivo fertility of bull sperm
Jameel, M; Sheikh, IS; Kakar, N; Yousuf, MR; Riaz, A; Shehzad, W; Khan, D; Iqbal, M; Tareen, AM

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 ·  Copper (Cu) metabolism in domestic herbivores as guide to criteria for predicting the Cu nutritional status of wild ruminants in southern Africa
van Ryssen, JBJ; Bath, GF

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 Case Report
 ·  A case report of a cementless total hip replacement performed in a pelvic limb amputee after a failed surgical reduction of a traumatic coxo-femoral luxation with a toggle rod
Elliott, RC; van der Wettering, KJ; Kitshoff, A

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 ·  Impaired endochondral ossification in a skeletally immature dog: implications for femoral cleft formation and suspected incomplete femoral ossification
Guy, P; Le Roux, C

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 Original Research
 ·  Comparison of the immobilisation and cardiorespiratory effects of thiafentanil-azaperone versus thiafentanil-medetomidine-azaperone in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Faber, VE; Burroughs, REJ; Meyer, LCR; Hansen, HJ; Gerber, D; Koeppel, KN

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 ·  Low-cost uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a novel tool for welfare assessments on open pen commercial crocodile farms
Myburgh, A; Viljoen, DM; Myburgh, JG; Downs, CT; Webb, EC; Woodborne, S

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 ·  Helminth parasites of impalas, Aepyceros melampus, in eastern southern Africa, collected during 1973 to 2007
Horak, IG; Junker, K; Braack, LEO; Gallivan, GJ

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 ·  Retrospective case-control non-inferiority analysis of ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block in dogs undergoing mini-hemilaminectomy for intervertebral disc disease
Salvatierra, DN Alza; Motta, L; Redondo, Jl; du Toit, M; Pompermaier, E; Martinez, M

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 ·  Immobilisation protocols for wild giraffe (Giraffa spp.) - a review
Ferguson, S; Harvey, RJ; Fennessy, S; Fennessy, J

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 Original Research
 ·  Detection and quantification of antibiotic residues in goat milk in Mahikeng Local Municipality
Ndlovu, KL; Mwanza, M; Nleya, N; Ngoma, L

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 ·  The time course of lactate and endocrine changes in dogs suffering from dog bite wounds
van Zyl, E; Thompson, PN; Schoeman, JP

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 ·  Effects of lead shielding on gamma radiation scatter energy spectrum during equine bone scintigraphy
Kafka, UCM; Beukes, P; SIabbert, JP; Carstens, A

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 ·  The effect of a warmed enema during ovum pick-up on subsequent in vitro oocyte maturation in Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
Vorster, L; de Bruin, PR; Smuts, MP; Durrant, BS; de la Rey, M; Herbst, C; Holm, DE

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 ·  An epidemiological study of canine lymphoma in South Africa
Harris, SB; Hooijberg, EH; Clift, SJ; Fosgate, GT; du Plessis, EC; Rautenbach, Y

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