| Table of contents South. Afr. j. crit. care (Online) vol.31 n.2 Pretoria Nov. 2015 Editorial | | | | · Ethical considerations for critical care research Morrow, B
| | | Articles | | | | · Moral distress experienced by intensive care nurses Langley, G C; Kisorio, L; Schmollgruber, S
| | | | · Nutrition support practices in South African ICUs: Results from a nationwide pilot survey Hill, L T
| | | | · Comparison of the efficacy of colistin monotherapy and colistin combination therapies in the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by Acinetobacter baumannii Kara, I; Yildirim, F; Bilaloglu, B; Karamanlioglu, D; Kayacan, E; Dizbay, M; Turkoglu, M; Aygencel, G
| | | | · The accuracy of Johannesburg-based ambulance personnel in identifying stroke Nel, D; Stassen, W
| | | Case Report | | | | · Atrial myxoma-related embolism resulting in acute limb ischaemia in a critical care patient Knight, M; Wise, R D
| | | Book Review | | | | · Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy in Trauma: An Evidence-based Approach Lupton-Smith, Alison
| | |