| Sumário South. Afr. j. crit. care (Online) vol.39 no.2 Pretoria Jul. 2023 Soapbox | | | | · Is scolding analogous to positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)? Singhal, S; Verma, M; Bhatia, G
| | | Research Articles | | | | · Clinical features and outcomes of patients with myasthenia gravis admitted to an intensive care unit: A 20-year retrospective study Morar, R; 2018, GEMP 2 Group 6 of; Seedat, F; Richards, G A
| | | | · An analysis of referrals to a level 3 intensive care unit in a resource-limited setting in South Africa Jaganath, U V; de Vasconcellos, K; Skinner, D L; Gopalan, P D
| | | | · Moral distress among critical care nurses when excecuting do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders in a public critical care unit in Gauteng Ntseke, S; Coetzee, I; Heyns, T
| | | Short Reports | | | | · Cochrane Corner: The use of anticoagulants in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 Gloeck, N; Jaca, A; Kredo, T; Calligaro, G
| | | Abstracts | | | | · Critical Care Congress 2023 in association with SASPEN
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