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SA Orthopaedic Journal
versión On-line ISSN 2309-8309
versión impresa ISSN 1681-150X


Tabla de contenido
SA orthop. j. vol.18 no.3 Centurion ago./sep. 2019

 ·  The use of racial classification in medical research
Maqungo, Sithombo

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 South African Orthopaedic Association
 ·  The Smith & Nephew Orthopaedic Travelling Fellowship: A cross-pollination of knowledge
Singh, V

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 Paediatric Orthopaedics
 ·  Complications following acute severe haematogenous osteomyelitis of the long bones in children
Horn, A; Wever, S; Hoffman, EB

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 ·  Profile of patients with Blount's disease at an academic hospital
Mehtar, M; Ramguthy, Y; Firth, GB

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 ·  A survey of the management of posterior malleolar ankle fractures in South Africa
Workman, Ml; Wever, GS; McCollum, GA

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 Foot and Ankle
 ·  Cross-screw technique for the modified Lapidus procedure using headless compression screws
Mayet, Z; Ferrao, PNF; Saragas, NP

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 Shoulder and Elbow
 ·  Unrepaired rotator cuff tears following acromioplasty
Chivers, D; Lambrechts, A; Vrettos, B; Dachs, R; Roche, S

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 ·  Anthropometric differences in the tibial tuberosity to trochlear groove measurement in an African population
Rankin, M; Mohideen, MAF

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 General Article
 ·  Publication rates of podium presentations at the annual South African Orthopaedic Association Congress from 2010 to 2015
Hitge, C; Pietrzak, JRT; de Buys, BM; van der Jagt, DR; Ramokgopa, M; Mokete, L

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 Current Concept Review
 ·  Proximal humerus fractures - Part 1: Conservative management
Anley, C; BC, Vrettos; Rachuene, P; SJL, Roche

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