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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ)
versão On-line ISSN 1727-3781


PER vol.26 no.1 Potchefstroom  2023

 ·  Sexual Grooming of Children in Teaching as a Trust Profession in South Africa
Coetzee, SA

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 ·  Is the Writing on the Wall for the Genetic Link Requirement in Surrogacy Agreements?
Edgcumbe, A

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 ·  The Jurisdiction of the Advertising Regulatory Board over Non-members: The Supreme Court of Appeal confirms its Herbex-order in the Bliss-matter
Visagie, J

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 ·  Law, South African Mothers Living in Poverty and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nyawo, P

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 ·  Section 30P of the Pension Funds Act: A Review, an Appeal or What?
Marumoagae, MC

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 Case Notes
 ·  Perfecting a General Notarial Bond: You Can't Have your Cake and Eat It! ABSA Bank Limited v Go on Supermarket (Pty) Limited (The Spar Group Limited intervening) (9442/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 173 (24 March 2022)
Brits, R; Koekmoer, MM

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 ·  Consent and Other Ancillary Matters as Requirements of a Customary Marriage; LNM v MMM (2020/11024) [2021] ZAGPJHC 563 (11 June 2021)
Sibisi, S

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 ·  Transitioning Old Order Mining Rights into New Mining Rights: A Critical Analysis
Mathebula, T

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 ·  Children's Right to Education versus their Right to Religion and Culture in South Africa: With Specific Reference to the Wearing of a Headscarf in South African
Essop, Z

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 ·  Regulation of Video Gaming Loot Boxes: Lessons for South Africa from Abroad
van der Westhuizen, E; Carnelley, M

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 ·  Does Mistaken Belief in Consent Constitute a Defence in South African Rape Cases?
Stal, SJ

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 ·  Towards the African Economic Community: Legal and Historical Perspectives
Shumba, W

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 ·  Legislative Oversight and Executive Accountability in South Africa
Maganoe, S

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 ·  Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures, Biodiversity Stewardship and Statutory Intervention - A South African Perspective
Paterson, A

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 ·  The Influence of Reasonableness in Determining Delictual or Tort Liability for Emotional Distress or Mental Harm in American and French Law
Ahmed, R

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 ·  S v P - The Abuse of Protection Orders to "Gag" Victims of Rape
Swemmer, S

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 ·  Justice Delayed but not Denied: The Prosecution of Thomas Kwoyelo for International Crimes in Uganda
Nanyunja, B; Nortje, W

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 ·  Caught in the Crossfire: Employers of Emolument Attachment Order Debtors and the Challenge to Achieve Proportionally Fair Wage Deductions
van der Merwe, S

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 ·  Repackaging the General Prejudice Principle in Suretyship Agreements as a Breach of Contract under South African Law
Goetsch, J

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 ·  "It is the Poor Who Will Suffer the Most": The Discriminatory Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions on the Poor in South Africa
de Man, A

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 ·  Taxation of Litigation Costs under Uniform Rule 70: Attorneys Acting as Counsel are Entitled to Equal Reimbursement for Equal Work by Advocates
Moosa, F

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 Sarchi Cles Series On Cities, Law And Environmental Sustainability
 ·  Climate Change Mitigation at City Level through the Lens of South Africa's Regulatory Framework for Bioenergy
Bezuiden hout, K

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 ·  The Obligation on Landowners to Accommodate ESTA Occupiers on their Land: Critically Analysing Daniels v Scribante 2017 4 SA 341 (CC)
Ngwenyama, LR

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 ·  Hate Speech in the Equality Act Following the Constitutional Court Judgment in Qwelane v SAHRC
Marais, ME

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 ·  A "Parenting Licence" Granted by One's Existing Children? Critical Analysis of the Judgment in Ex Parte JCR 2022 5 SA 202 (GP)
Holness, W; Clark, B; Edgcumbe, A; Mnqyongani, F; Sorti, S; Shozi, B; Thaldar, D

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 ·  Outer Space Exploration and the SustainabiIity of the Space Environment-An Uneasy Relationship
Ferreira-Snyman, A

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 ·  Delegation and Directors' Reliance on the Performance of Others - A Companies Act 2008 Analysis in the Light of International Best Practices
Mupangavanhu, BM

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 ·  Endumeni and the Parol Evidence Rule: Do They Coexist?
Wallis, M

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 ·  A Comparative Analysis of the Treatment of Inflation in South African Capital Gains Tax and the Accrual Systems
Olën, D; Kloppers, HJ

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 ·  Clearing the Red Tape - Towards a Balanced Regulatory Framework for Early Childhood Development
Ally, N

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 ·  An Analysis of the Role of African Values, Traditions and Morals in the Interpretation of Children's Rights
Strohwald, A

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 ·  Moving Beyond Baby Steps? An Examination of the Domestic Implementation of Concluding Observations from State Parties' Reports on the African Children's Charter
Adeola, A

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 ·  Tacit Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts. An Analysis of Future Instruments of Developmental Organisations
Bouwers, GJ

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 ·  A Brief Analysis of the Judgment in Women's Legal Centre Trust v President of the Republic of South Africa 2022 5 SA 323 (CC)
Abduroaf, M; Moosa, N

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 ·  The Influence of Reasonableness in Determining Delictual or Tort Liability for Emotional Distress or Mental Harm in American and French Law
Ahmed, R

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 ·  Emergency Powers and Human Rights Derogations under the Constitution of Lesotho
Nyane, H

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 ·  South African Controlled Foreign Companies' Rules and the Digital Economy
Sengwane, K

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 ·  Comparative Notes on the Use of Commercial Litigation Funding in Insolvency: Australia and South Africa
Lombard, S; Boraine, A

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 ·  Bigen Africa Services v City of Cape Town: Audit Culture and State Self-Review in the Water and Sanitation Sector
Field, T-L; Rodda, N

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 Special Edition: Land & Customary Law
 ·  Editorial: Celebrating the Legacy of Professor Willemien du Plessis in Customary Law and Land Issues
Rautenbach, C; Pienaar, JM

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 ·  Laudatio Opgedra aan Willemien du Plessis
Olivier, NJJ

        · texto em Africaner     · Africaner ( pdf )
 ·  Professor Willemien du Plessis: A Personal Reflection
du Plessis, PJ

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 ·  Tribute to Professor Willemien du Plessis: A Legacy of Excellence and Compassion
van der Schyff, E

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 ·  The Legal Framework Governing Traditional Leaders' Role in Land Use Planning in South Africa
du Plessis, WJ

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 ·  No Country for Old Women: A Critique of Grobler v Phillips 2023 1 SA 321 (CC)
Geduld, A

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 ·  Traditional Authorities and State Functions in South Africa: A Complex Relationship of Private Participation?
Rautenbach, C; Ferreira, GM

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 ·  Judicial Review of the Enforcement of Sectional Title Rules: Administrative Action or Common-Law Review? Trustees for the time being of the Legacy Body Corporate v Bae Estates and Escapes (Pty) Ltd
Pienaar, GJ

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 ·  An Analysis of the Significance of Integration of the Bride in Customary Marriages and its Potential Constitutionality
Manthwa, AT

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 ·  Access to Electricity for ESTA Occupiers: TM Sibanyoni and Sibanyoni Family v Van Der Merwe and Any Other Person in Charge of Farm 177, Vaal bank Portion 13 Hendrina, Mpumalanga (LCC 119/2020) [2021] ZALCC 33 (7 September 2021)
Ngwenyama, LR

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 ·  An Appraisal of the Requirements for the Validity of a Customary Marriage in South Africa, Before and After the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998
Nkuna-Mavutane, ME; Jamneck, J

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 ·  The Intricacies of Land Reform in Namibia: An Overview of the Land Question in Namibia 33 Years After Independence
Mundia, KF; Haimbili, R

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 ·  Lessons for Nigeria from the Experience of South Africa in Managing the Challenges of Transfer of Title and Administration of Fragmented Property Schemes
Omidire, K

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 Special Edition: Environmental & Energy Law
 ·  Editorial: Environmental and Energy Law-Special issue dedicated to Willemien du Plessis
Kotzé, LJ; du Plessis, AA

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 ·  Laudatio for Professor Willemien du Plessis (BJur LLB LLD MA (Environmental Management))
Smit, N

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 ·  Laudatio for Prof Willemien du Plessis
Fuo, ON

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 ·  Laudatio in Honour of Professor Willemien du Plessis
Rantlo, TJ

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 ·  A Letter to my Colleague and Friend: Willemien du Plessis
du Plessis, AA

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 ·  My Mentor: Willemien du Plessis
Kotzé, LJ

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 ·  The Impact of Environmental Regulation on the Investment Climate
Faure, M

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 ·  Smart City Regulation and Environmental Sustainability in the Context of Land Use Planning in Mauritius: A Critical Review
Tung, OJ Lim

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 ·  South African Environmental Law and Political Accountability: Local Councils in the Spotlight
Ngcobo, N

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 ·  Getting Ahead of the "Game": The Reclassification of Wild Animals Contained in Protected Areas as Res Publicae
Snyman, I; Bothma, FP

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 ·  Environmental Governance, Hollow Environmentalism, and Adjudication in South Africa
Soyapi, CB

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 ·  Is the Stick Real? Trends from Concluded Prosecutions of Industrial Environmental Crimes in South Africa
Strydom, M; Field, T

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 ·  Deadly Air and the Misinterpretation of the Section 24 Environmental Right: The Groundwork Trust Case
Kidd, M

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 ·  Hands off our Intangible Cultural Heritage - Khoin v Jenkins in re: Observatory Civic Association v Trustees for the Time Being of the Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust
Kantor, P

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 ·  Realising the Right to Electricity Through Off-Grid Power Solutions in South Africa
Viljoen, G; Du be, F

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 Special Edition: Legal History
 ·  Editorial: Celebrating the Legacy of Professor Willemien du Plessis in Legal History
Carnelley, Marita; Bothma, Philip

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 ·  Transformative Legal History and the (Re)Classification of the South African Law of Delict
Zitzke, E

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 ·  The Genesis of the Common Purpose Doctrine in South Africa
Hoctor, S

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 ·  Rising Tides: The Acquisition of Ownership by Alluvio in the Context of Sea Level Rise
Freedman, W

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 ·  Constitutional Damages - a Stagnant or a Changing Landscape?
Mukheibir, A

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 ·  Legal History as the Perfect Vessel: Teaching with Infographies for the Development of Digital Visual Literacy Skills in Law Students
Bauling, A

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 ·  The Tsetse Fly Perched on the Scrotum: Publishing Problems in Academic Journals
Diala, AC; Hussein, N

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 ·  The 1874 Trial of Langalibalele of the Amahlubi
Carnelley, M

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 ·  Innovative Approaches to the Division of an Inheritance in a Deceased Estate: Lessons from the Babylonians 2000-1600 BCE
van Wyk, SJ

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 ·  Prison Personnel in the Colony of Natal from circa 1850 to the Prison Reform Commission of 1905-1906
Swanepoel, P

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 ·  Chief Justice Coke: Common Law v Royal Absolutism
Robinson, JA

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 ·  The First Magistrates of Potchefstroom
Wildenboer, L

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 ·  The Right to Freedom of Association and the Protection of Employees against Victimisation in the Workplace
Manamela, ME

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 ·  Mapping the Common Law Development of Physician-Administered Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide against the Background of the Application of the Bill of Rights
Mnyandu, M

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 ·  "The Fly in the Ointment" or Simply a "Born-Again Shop Steward" Defending Workers' Rights to Fair Representation? The Case of Msunduzi Municipality v Hoskins 2017 38 ILJ 582 (LAC) in Retrospect
Maloka, TC; Matsheta, MR

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 ·  Laudatio for Prof Willemien du Plessis
Steenkamp, RM

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