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Water SA
versión On-line ISSN 1816-7950versión impresa ISSN 0378-4738


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Water SA vol.36 no.1 Pretoria ene. 2010

Measurement of grassland evaporation using a surface-layer scintillometer
Savage, MJ; Odhiambo, GO; Mengistu, MG; Everson, CS; Jarmain, C

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Surface renewal method for estimating sensible heat flux
Mengistu, MG; Savage, MJ

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Characterisation of rainfall at a semi-arid ecotope in the Limpopo Province (South Africa) and its implications for sustainable crop production
Mzezewa, Jestinos; Misi, Titus; van Rensburg, Leon D

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Crop production management practices as a cause for low water productivity at Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme
Fanadzo, M; Chiduza, C; Mnkeni, PNS; van der Stoep, I; Stevens, J

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Modelling the economic tradeoffs between allocating water for crop production or leaching for salinity management
Matthews, N; Grové, B; Barnard, JH; van Rensburg, LD

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Quantifying the annual fish harvest from South Africa's largest freshwater reservoir
Ellender, BR; Weyl, OLF; Winker, H; Booth, AJ

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Generating high-resolution digital elevation models for wetland research using Google EarthTM imagery: an example from South Africa
Hoffmann, E; Winde, F

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Threats and opportunities for post-closure development in dolomitic gold mining areas of the West Rand and Far West Rand (South Africa) - a hydraulic view part 1: mining legacy and future threats
Winde, Frank; Stoch, EJ

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Threats and opportunities for post-closure development in dolomitic gold-mining areas of the West Rand and Far West Rand (South Africa) - a hydraulic view part 2: opportunities
Winde, Frank; Stoch, EJ (Leslie)

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Threats and opportunities for post-closure development in dolomitic gold mining areas of the West Rand and Far West Rand (South Africa) - a hydraulic view part 3: planning and uncertainty - lessons from history
Stoch, EJ (Leslie); Winde, Frank

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The link between Movability Number and Incipient Motion in river sediments
Armitage, Neil; Rooseboom, Albert

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A falling-head procedure for the measurement of filter media sphericity
Haarhoff, Johannes; Vessal, Ali

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Cr(VI) generation during sample preparation of solid samples: a chromite ore case study
Glastonbury, RI; van der Merwe, W; Beukes, JP; van Zyl, PG; Lachmann, G; Steenkamp, CJH; Dawson, NF; Stewart, HM

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A comparison of five extraction methods for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from biofilm by using three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (3DEEM) fluorescence spectroscopy
Pan, Xiangliang; Liu, Jing; Zhang, Daoyong; Chen, Xi; Li, Lanhai; Song, Wenjuan; Yang, Jianying

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Phthalate ester plasticizers in freshwater systems of Venda, South Africa and potential health effects
Fatoki, OS; Bornman, M; Ravandhalala, L; Chimuka, L; Genthe, B; Adeniyi, A

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Monitoring bacterial faecal contamination in waters using multiplex real-time PCR assay for Bacteroides spp. and faecal enterococci
Agudelo, RM; Codony, F; Adrados, B; Fittipaldi, M; Peñuela, G; Morató, J

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Effect of phenolic compounds on the rapid direct enzymatic detection of β-D-galactosidase and β-D-glucuronidase
Abboo, Sagaran; Pletschke, Brett I

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 Rapid communication
 ·  Organic matter and heavy metals in grey-water sludge
Eriksson, E; Srigirisetty, S; Eilersen, AM

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 Short communication
 ·  Hierarchical clustering of RGB surface water images based on MIA-LSI approach
Praus, Petr; Praks, Pavel

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 ·  Initial testing of electrospun nanofibre filters in water filtration applications
Bjorge, Decostere; Daels, Nele; De Vrieze, Sander; Dejans, Pascal; Van Camp, Tamara; Audenaert, Wim; Westbroek, Philippe; De Clerck, Karen; Boeckaert, Charlotte; van Hulle, Stijn WH

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