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Water SA
versión On-line ISSN 1816-7950versión impresa ISSN 0378-4738


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Water SA vol.39 no.1 Pretoria ene. 2013

 Original articles
 ·  Trihalomethanes in drinking water: effect of natural organic matter distribution
Chowdhury, Shakhawat

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 ·  Infrasonic backpulsed membrane cleaning of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes fouled with alumina and yeast
Shugman, EM; Aldrich, C; Sanderson, RD; McLachlan, DS

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 ·  Evaluating 5 and 8 pH-point titrations for measuring VFA in full-scale primary sludge hydrolysate
Hey, T; Sandstrom, D; Ibrahim, V; Jonsson

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 ·  A rapid method for determining chlorobenzenes in dam water systems
Moodley, KG; Chetty, DK; Ramphal, SR; Gericke, G

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 ·  Electrocatalytic performance of PbO2 films in the degradation of dimethoate insecticide
Dridi Gargouri, O; Samet, Y; Abdelhedi, R

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 ·  Sorption of toxic metal ions in aqueous environment using electrospun polystyrene fibres incorporating diazole ligands
Darko, Godfred; Chigome, Samuel; Lillywhite, Stacy; Tshentu, Zenixole; Darkwa, James; Torto, Nelson

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 ·  Pedological criteria for estimating the importance of subsurface lateral flow in E horizons in South African soils
van Tol, JJ; Hensley, M; le Roux, PAL

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 ·  The hydrological characterisation and water budget of a South African rehabilitated headwater wetland system
Riddell, ES; Everson, C; Clulow, A; Mengistu, M

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 ·  Development of a customised design flood estimation tool to estimate floods in gauged and ungauged catchments
Gericke, OJ; du Plessis, JA

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 ·  Association between physical and geochemical characteristics of thermal springs and algal diversity in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Jonker, CZ; van Ginkel, C; Olivier, J

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 ·  Epipelic diatoms in the estuaries of South Africa
Bate, GC; Smailes, PA; Adams, JB

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 ·  First results on bathymetry, stratification and physicochemical limnology of a small tropical African reservoir (Malilangwe, Zimbabwe)
Dalu, Tatenda; Thackeray, Zane; Leuci, Rio; Clegg, Bruce; Chari, Lenin Dzibakwe; Nhiwatiwa, Tamuka

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 ·  Market dynamics as a driver towards the evolution of research needs: the case of up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket seeding granules
Musee, Ndeke; Lorenzen, Leon

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 ·  Scenarios for the South African Water Sector in 2025
Claassen, M; Funke, N; Nienaber, S

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 ·  Freshwater conservation planning in South Africa: Milestones to date and catalysts for implementation
Roux, Dirk J; Nel, Jeanne L

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 Short communication
 ·  Abundance, distribution and population trends of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe
Zisadza-Gandiwa, Patience; Gandiwa, Edson; Jakarasi, Josephy; van der Westhuizen, Hugo; Muvengwi, Justice

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 ·  The effect of ultrasound at 256 KHz on Microcystis aeruginosa, with and without gas vacuoles
Jachlewski, Silke; Botes, Marelize; Cloete, Eugene T

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 Technical note
 ·  Flood map development by coupling satellite maps and three-dimensional drafting software: case study of the Sarawak River Basin
Kuok, KK; Ziet, Liew Zun; PoChan, Chiu

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 List of 2012 Reviewers
 ·  Reviewers

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