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Water SA
versión On-line ISSN 1816-7950versión impresa ISSN 0378-4738


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Water SA vol.40 no.4 Pretoria oct. 2014

 Original articles
 ·  A feasibility study of in-line rheological characterisation of a wastewater sludge using ultrasound technology
Kotzé, R; Haldenwang, R; Fester, V; Rössle, W

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 ·  Rainfall intensity effects on crusting and mode of seedling emergence in some quartz-dominated South African soils
Nciizah, Adornis D; Wakindiki, Isaiah IC

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 ·  Analytical solutions for the recovery tests after constant-discharge tests in confined aquifers
Atangana, Abdon

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 ·  Synthesis of bulk ion-imprinted polymers (IIPs) embedded with oleic acid coated Fe3O4 for selective extraction of hexavalent uranium
Tavengwa, Nikita Tawanda; Cukrowska, Ewa; Chimuka, Luke

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 ·  Human health risk assessment for silver catfish Schilbe intermedius Rüppell, 1832, from two impoundments in the Olifants River, Limpopo, South Africa
Addo-Bediako, A; Marr, SM; Jooste, A; Luus-Powell, WJ

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 ·  SST prediction methodologies and verification considerations for dynamical mid-summer rainfall forecasts for South Africa
Landman, Willem A; Beraki, Asmerom; DeWitt, David; Lötter, Daleen

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 Short communication
 ·  Diatoms as indicators of historical water quality: A comparison of samples taken in the Wemmershoek catchment (Western Province, South Africa) in 1960 and 2008
Harding, WR; Taylor, JC

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