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Verbum et Ecclesia
versão On-line ISSN 2074-7705versão impressa ISSN 1609-9982


Verbum Eccles. (Online) vol.39 no.1 Pretoria  2018

 Original Research
 ·  Reading Psalm 23 in African context
Adamo, David T.

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 ·  Solidarity as a global bioethical principle: Own reasons for a culture of solidarity from a Protestant perspective
Rheeder, Riaan

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 ·  Patriarchy reinvented? 'Spiritual parenting' within African Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe
Dube, Zorodzai

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 ·  Prayer, the encounter and participation, the experience: A Pauline exhortation towards a spirituality of prayer
van der Merwe, Dirk G.

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 ·  Ubuntu as care: Deconstructing the gendered Ubuntu
Chisale, Sinenhlanhla S.

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 ·  Servant leadership: An urgent style for the current political leadership in South Africa
Kgatle, Mookgo S.

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 ·  A Reformed assessment of George Lindbeck's ecclesial ethics
Kim, Junseop

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 ·  Overcoming fear? A search for an empowering theological response to the fear of witchcraft among urban Zimbabwean Christians
Banda, Collium; Masengwe, Gift

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 ·  We know to whom we belong? The drama of ministerial practice in a postcolonial African context
Nell, Ian A.

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 ·  What hope is there - for Klaus?
Conradie, Ernst M.

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 ·  The Christian faith and evolution: An evolving, unresolved debate
Conradie, Ernst M.

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 ·  Pastoral Letters and the Church in the public square: An assessment of the role of Pastoral Letters in influencing democratic processes in Malawi
Jere, Qeko; Magezi, Vhumani

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 ·  Christian ethics and secularisation: Business as usual?
de Villiers, Dawid E.

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 ·  Social media and religion: Missiological perspective on the link between Facebook and the emergence of prophetic churches in southern Africa
Kgatle, Mookgo S.

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 ·  Revisiting the practice of Bible-translation: The need to engage ordinary believers when translating the Psalms
Dickie, June F.

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 ·  Public role of the church in anti-corruption: An assessment of the CCAP1 Livingstonia Synod in Malawi from a kenōsis perspective
Jere, Qeko

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 ·  A missing hand at the dinner table: The response to the plight of farmers in South Africa
Resane, Kelebogile T.

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 ·  Engaging Klaus Nürnberger's interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity
Venter, Rian

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 ·  Missional postures and practices for South African Baptist churches
Henry, Desmond

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 ·  The church order of the Dutch Reformed Church of 2013: Channel or stumbling block for church discipline?
Strauss, Piet J.

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 ·  Bible translation and gender, challenges and opportunities - with specific reference to sub-Saharan Africa
Mojola, Aloo O.

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 ·  Prophetic preaching in the socio-economic and socio-political crisis of Zimbabwe
Fenga, Vincent F.; Wepener, Cas

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 ·  Not anointing, but justice? A critical reflection on the anointing of Pentecostal prophets in a context of economic injustice
Banda, Collium

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 ·  'This generation' in Matthew 24:34 as a timeless, spiritual generation akin to Genesis 3:15
du Toit, Philip La Grange

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 ·  The reversal of Babel: Questioning the early church's understanding of the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts as a reversal of the curse of Babel
Soal, Alexander D.; Henry, Desmond

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 ·  Spiritual formation to bring about a missional character in congregations in practice
Pretorius, Philippus C.; Niemandt, Cornelius J.P.

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 ·  Systematic Theology - An experiential approach: Core assumptions of my 'Invitation to Systematic Theology'
Nürnberger, Klaus

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 ·  Tearing of clothes: A study of an ancient practice in the Old Testament
Jerome, Obiorah M.; Uroko, Favour C.

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 ·  Isaiah 5: A prophetic critique of economic proportion
Grey, Jacqueline N.

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 ·  Blended learning for teaching Theology
Oliver, Erna

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 ·  Aquinas and Solovyov: Unified Christian ontological-epistemology in critique of epistemic reductivism
Scott, Callum D.

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 ·  The state of the church in a postcolonial era from Newbigin's perspective: Challenges and opportunities for mission
Marumo, Phemelo O.

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 ·  Definitely dust, but also more
Veldsman, Danie

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 ·  An unfinished reformation: The persistence of gender-exclusive language in theology and the maintenance of a patriarchal church culture
van Wyk, Tanya

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 ·  Salvation in Acts 16: Meaning and missional implication derived from the sociohistorical method
Igba, Jacob T.; Stoker, Henk G.

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 ·  The witness on Reformation Day, 31 October 1980, by eight Dutch Reformed Church lecturers - a call for reformation?
Strauss, Piet J.

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 ·  God in conversation - A dialogical Christology
Dreyer, Danie

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 ·  The chiastic inversion in the argument of Romans 2:13:9 and the identity of the interlocutor in Romans 2:1729
Kim, Sang-Hoon; Kim, Kyu S.

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 ·  The semper reformanda principle under scrutiny in an African context in relation to inculturation
Duncan, Graham A.

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 ·  The ancestors, violence and democracy in Zimbabwe
Dube, Zorodzai

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 ·  A literary figure or patriarchal reality? Reflections on the 'ēšet hayil in light of depictions of womanhood from selected Yorùbá and Sotho proverbs
Masenya, Madipoane

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 ·  Transcendence, immanence and religious experience in a post-transcendence era
van Rooyen, Johan A.

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 ·  Research strategy for missional transformation
Niemandt, Cornelius J.P.; Marais, Jacobus F.; Schoeman, Willem J.; van der Walt, Pieter; Simpson, Nico

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 ·  Digital game-based learning and technology-enhanced learning for theological education
Oliver, Erna

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 ·  Integration and coordination of ministries in identity finding and identity development
Marais, Neels

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 ·  A reformed-theological engagement with the resurrection of Jesus Christ
van Wyk, Jan H. (Amie)

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 ·  Balancing the transcendence and immanence of God in Nürnberger's theology
Bentley, Wessel

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 ·  Corrigendum: 'n Navorsingstrategie vir missionale transformasie
Niemandt, Cornelius J.P.; Marais, Jan F.; Schoeman, Willem J.; van der Walt, Pieter; Simpson, Nico

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