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The African Journal of Information and Communication
versão On-line ISSN 2077-7213versão impressa ISSN 2077-7205


AJIC vol.31  Johannesburg  2023

 Research Articles
 ·  "If it is circulating widely on social media, then it is likely to be fake news": Reception of, and motivations for sharing, COVID-19-related fake news among university-educated Nigerians
Uzuegbunam, Chikezie E.; Ononiwu, Chinedu Richard

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 ·  Competition regulation for digital markets: The South African experience
Gumede, Simphiwe; Manenzhe, Phathutshedzo

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 ·  COVID-19, kovhidhi, dzihwamupengo: Language use, language change, and pandemic perceptions among Shona-speakers in Gweru, Zimbabwe
Jenjekwa, Vincent

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 ·  Factors influencing post-hackathon project continuation in an African corporate setting
Ratsoga, Zanele; Primus, Mpho

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 ·  Evaluation of web-based online agricultural information relevant to Tanzanian maize producers
Mnzava, Ester Ernest; Jacobs, Lorette

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 ·  Exploring COVID-19 public perceptions in South Africa through sentiment analysis and topic modelling of Twitter posts
Kekere, Temitope; Marivate, Vukosi; Hattingh, Marié

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  Critical Intervention
 ·  China's digital transformation: Data-empowered state capitalism and social governmentality
Wang, Wayne Wei

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