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South African Journal of Psychiatry
versão On-line ISSN 2078-6786versão impressa ISSN 1608-9685


S. Afr. j. psyc. vol.29 no.1 Pretoria  2023

 Original Research
 ·  HIV prevalence and access to HIV testing and care in patients with psychosis in South Africa
Mwelase, Mbalenhle P.; Ntlantsana, Vuyokazi; Tomita, Andrew; Chiliza, Bonginkosi; Paruk, Saeeda

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 ·  Assessing the revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal for Alcohol Scale use at Stikland Hospital
Muddapah, Creeshen P.; Weich, Lize

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 Case Report
 ·  Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) with ketamine induction for catatonia in an HIV positive patient
Nel, Yvette; Bracken, Craig A.

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 Scientific Letter
 ·  Strengthening a mental illness management questionnaire for clinical associates through expert validation and cognitive interviews
Moodley, Saiendhra V.; Wolvaardt, Jacqueline; Grobler, Christoffel

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 Original Research
 ·  Trauma survivors' perceptions and experiences of prolonged exposure for PTSD at a psychology clinic
Booysen, Duane D.; Kagee, Ashraf

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 ·  A retrospective data analysis of psychiatric cases in Hargeisa, Somaliland between 2019 and 2020
Abdulrahman, Hassan; Bousleiman, Stephanie; Mumin, Mustafe; Caqli, Ibrahim; Hijaz, Baraa A.; Gelaye, Bizu; Fricchione, Gregory; Chemali, Zeina

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 ·  Provision of HIV services to psychiatric inpatients in Botswana: Challenges and recommendations
Qambayot, Maria A.; Naidoo, Sarita

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 ·  Lived experiences of adolescents admitted for first-episode psychosis in South Africa
Magula, Luzuko; Lachman, Anusha; Roomaney, Rizwana

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 ·  Study of burnout and depressive symptoms in doctors at a central level, state hospital
Nazeema, Ariefdien; Lowton, Karishma; Tenea, Zenaida; Anic, Ani; Jayrajh, Preethi

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 ·  Development and validation of the Redeemer's University Suicidality Scale
Akpunne, Bede C.; Akinnawo, Ebenezer O.; Olusa, Abayomi O.; Kumuyi, Daniel O.

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 ·  Effects of personality traits on mindful self-care practices of healthcare workers
Osman, Iram; Singaram, Veena S.

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 ·  South Africa's Psychiatric training capacity in 2008 and in 2018. Has training capacity improved?
Beath, Natalie; Subramaney, Ugasvaree; Zingela, Zukiswa; Chiliza, Bonginkosi; Joska, John A.; Kotzé, Carla; Ramlall, Suvra; Seedat, Soraya

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 ·  Psychiatric morbidity in children involved in bullying treated at the Free State Psychiatric Complex
Masakala, Mosa; Mofokeng, Matieho; Muchocho, Amanda; Sibisi, Siphesihle; le Roux, Johan; le Roux, Helene; Joubert, Gina

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 ·  Assessing attitudes of fourth year medical students towards psychiatry and mental illness
Ochse, Stacey L.; Lowton, Karishma

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 ·  Clozapine use at a specialised psychiatric hospital in Johannesburg
Ord, Katherine L.; Marais, Belinda

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 Case Report
 ·  Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) with ketamine induction for catatonia in an HIV positive patient
Nel, Yvette; Bracken, Craig A.

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 Original Research
 ·  Preparedness of final year medical students in caring for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients with mental illness
Badat, Ahmed; Moodley, Sanushka; Paruk, Laila

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 Review Article
 ·  Prevalence of depression, anxiety and burnout in medical students at the University of Namibia
Mhata, Nelao T.; Ntlantsana, Vuyokazi; Tomita, Andrew M.; Mwambene, Kissah; Saloojee, Shamima

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 Original Research
 ·  Costs of adult functional neurological disorders at a tertiary hospital in central South Africa
Christopher, Leonriche L.C.; Pretorius, Paul J.; Moodley, Anand; Joubert, Gina; Arendse, Tracy

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 ·  Positive mental health of patients at a psychiatric hospital, Gauteng province, South Africa
Gulla, Satya Sai Ram Kumar; Helberg, Elvera; Vagiri, Rajesh Vikram

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 ·  Predictors of burnout among resident doctors in a Nigerian teaching hospital
Salihu, Mumeen O.; Makanjuola, Alfred B.; Abiodun, Olatunji A.; Kuranga, Amudalat T.

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 ·  Assessing HIV transmission knowledge in psychiatric patients in Johannesburg, South Africa
Matodzi, Hangwani J.; Lowton, Karishma; Miseer, Prinesh

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 ·  Experiences of family members of relatives admitted as state patients in a psychiatric hospital
Malebye, Seipati; Ntshingila, Nompumelelo; Poggenpoel, Marie

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 ·  Readmission of adolescent psychiatric patients to a specialised unit in Gauteng, South Africa
Brown, Sarah-Anne; Moeketsi, Tshepiso D.; Musekiwa, Alfred; Moodley, Saiendhra V.

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 ·  HIV associated psychiatric comorbidity among attendees at a tertiary hospital, North-Eastern Nigeria
Oyedun, Akinbola R.; Oluwatoyin, Ganiyu O.

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 ·  Psychosocial effects of gender-based violence among women in Vhembe district: A qualitative study
Rikhotso, Rodney; Netangaheni, Thinavhuyo R.; Mhlanga, Nongiwe L.

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 ·  Assessing the prevalence of psychotic symptoms in epileptic patients at a tertiary clinic
Hungwe, Michelle M.; Lowton, Karishma

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 Review Article
 ·  Routine investigations for patients with mental and behavioural disturbances
Jere, Solomon M.K.K.; Van Koningsbruggen, Candice; Du Toit, Mignon; Hendrikse, Clint

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 Scientific Letter
 ·  Training, care delivery, and research in physiotherapy in sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa
Kossi, Oyéné

        · texto em Inglês     · Inglês ( pdf )
 Original Research
 ·  Neurocognitive improvement in HIV-positive patients treated with dolutegravir-based regimens
Rodrigues, Janine; Lowton, Karishma

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 ·  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Insights into underfunding in the private healthcare sector in South Africa
Botha, Johan J.; Schoeman, Renata

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 Case Report
 ·  A case of schizophrenia refuting mind-body dualism
Letuka, Mohlalefi C.; Morar, Tejil

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 Original Research
 ·  Clozapine monitoring at a specialised psychiatric hospital: A retrospective chart review
Daniels, Michelle V.; Ramlall, Suvira

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 ·  Caregiver burden among caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder
van Niekerk, Karli; Stancheva, Venera; Smith, Cornelia

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 ·  Factors associated with longer hospital admission in elderly patients with major neurocognitive disorder
Steenkamp, Tarina; Mazibuko, Paslius S.; Kotzé, Carla

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 ·  Burnout in emergency department staff: The prevalence and barriers to intervention
Naidoo, Reshen; Schoeman, Renata

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 ·  Post-traumatic stress symptoms in mental healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak
Human, Allison K.; Vahed, Nadira; Marais, Belinda

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 ·  Knowledge, confidence, and practices of clinical associates in the management of mental illness
Moodley, Saiendhra V.; Wolvaardt, Jacqueline; Grobler, Christoffel

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 ·  Ten game-changers in mental health for South Africa
Stein, Dan J.; Wolvaardt, Gustaaf G.; Zungu, Nompumelelo; Shisana, Olive

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 Original Research
 ·  Knowledge, attitudes, and help-seeking behaviour for mental illness in a Christian community
Hlongwane, Nomthandazo; Juby, Vidette

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 ·  Attitudes of medical students regarding legalisation of cannabis and cannabis-education
Eiselen, Evan; Naidu, Kalaivani; Viljoen, Maryn

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 Review Article
 ·  Mental health education for physiotherapists: A scoping review
Hooblaul, Marilyn; Nadasan, Thayananthee; Oladapo, Olagbegi M.

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 ·  A review of recent treatments for adults living with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Wakelin, Candice; Willemse, Michele; Munnik, Erica

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 Original Research
 ·  Neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations in hospitalised patients with COVID-19
Lekpeh, Gondah; Salie, Muneeb; van den Heuvel, Leigh L.; Seedat, Soraya

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 ·  An initiative to reduce psychiatric boarding in a Cape Town emergency department
Hendrikse, Clint A.; Hodkinson, Peter; van Hoving, Daniël J.

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 ·  Factors affecting readmission of adolescent mental healthcare users to a psychiatric hospital
Eichstadt, Stephanie A.; Chetty, Shren; Magagula, Thulisile G.; Swart, Xan

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 ·  Psychosis screening questionnaire: Exploring its factor structure among South African adults
Thungana, Yanga; Zingela, Zukiswa; van Wyk, Stefan; Kim, Hannah H.; Ametaj, Amantia; Stevenson, Anne; Stroud, Rocky E.; Stein, Dan J.; Gelaye, Bizu

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 ·  Sleep quality of adult psychiatric outpatients at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
Harlies, Celeste M.; Friedlander, Wendy

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 ·  Access and use of digital technology by patients with psychosis at a hospital in South Africa
Sharma-Misra, Smitha; Maru, Mihoko; Tomita, Andrew; Paruk, Saeeda

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 ·  Relationship between physical activity and behaviour challenges of adolescents in South Africa
Asare, Kwabena; Ntlantsana, Vuyokazi; Ranjit, Karina; Tomita, Andrew; Paruk, Saeeda

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 ·  The profile of adolescent patients presenting to a tertiary maternal mental health clinic
Cooke, Luzaan M.; Moodley, Sanushka; Paruk, Laila

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 ·  Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test validity in bipolar and psychotic disorders
Adlard, Rosalind J.; Roos, Tessa; Temmingh, Henk

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