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South African Journal of Communication Disorders
versión On-line ISSN 2225-4765versión impresa ISSN 0379-8046


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. J. Commun. Disord. vol.69 no.1 Johannesburg  2022

 Original Research
 ·  Ototoxicity monitoring in South African cancer facilities: A national survey
Ehlert, Katerina; Heinze, Barbara; Swanepoel, De Wet

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 ·  Audiologists' phenomenographic experiences of professional development during community service in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Mbhele, Sphilile; Makhoba, Musa

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 ·  Newborn and infant hearing screening at primary healthcare clinics in South Africa designated as National Health Insurance pilot sites: An exploratory study
Kanji, Amisha

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 Clinical Perspective
 ·  Analysis of barriers and facilitators to early hearing detection and intervention in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Naidoo, Naedene; Khan, Nasim B.

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 Original Research
 ·  The influence of screen time on children's language development: A scoping review
Karani, Nazeera F.; Sher, Jenna; Mophosho, Munyane

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 ·  The lived experiences and psychosocial impact of hearing loss on the quality of life of adults with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Thusi, Amanda B.; Paken, Jessica

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 ·  Systemic support for learners with developmental language disorders in Zimbabwe and South Africa
Ndou, Nettie N.; Omidire, Margaret F.

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 ·  A longitudinal community-based ototoxicity monitoring programme and treatment effects for drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment, Western Cape
Stevenson, Lucia J.; de Jager, Leigh Biagio; Graham, Marien A.; Swanepoel, De Wet

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 ·  Communication experiences of healthcare students whilst managing adults with communication disorders
Rathiram, Vrinda; Neilson, Lauren O.; Kassim, Azraa Syed; Mokone, Winnie T.; Green, Caitlin C.

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 Opinion Paper
 ·  Triage and dysphagia: Are hospitals in the South African public health sector ready?
Kater, Kelly-Ann

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