Articles |
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| · South Africa's jurisdictional challenge with the under-development of cross-border commercial litigation: Litigation v Arbitration Kurasha, Primrose E.R.
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| · The Seychelles Employment Tribunal: The drafting history of the Employment (Amendment) Act of 2008 and its relevancy to understanding the work of the Tribunal Mujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira
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| · A double-edged sword: The role of insurable interest in non-indemnity insurance in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe Maringe, Noah
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| · An overview of maternity protection in Botswana: A critique of the Employment Act through the International Labour Organisation's Maternity Protection Convention lens Mogapaesi, Tshepo
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Recent Case Law |
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| · Tsambo v Sengadi (244/19) [2020] ZASCA 46 (30 April 2020); Sengadi v Tsambo; In Re: Tsambo (40344/2018) [2018] ZAGPJHC 666; [2019] 1 All SA 569 (GJ) (8 November 2018) Assessing the insurmountable challenge in proving the existence of a customary marriage in terms of section 3(1)(b) of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 and the misplacing of gender inequality Radebe, Keneilwe Martha
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Articles |
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| · Tackling the "shadow pandemic": the development of a positive duty on adults to report domestic violence Maphosa, Ropafadzo
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| · The dilemma of gender inequality in the delict of seduction: A Zimbabwean perspective and some lessons from South Africa Vengesai, Priccilar; Mnkandhla, Sibongumuzi Zibusiso
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| · Adjudicative subsidiarity, the "horizontality simpliciter" approach and personality rights: Outlining an integrated and constitutional reading strategy to the law of personality Visser, CJ
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Recent Case Law |
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| · The drive towards certainty: a short reflection on "law is/as code", complexity, and "the uncontract" Jooste, Yvonne
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Articles |
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| · COVID-19 at the workplace: What lessons are to be gained from early case law? Mokofe, William Manga; van Eck, Stefan
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| · Depreciation allowances for tax purposes in periods of less than a year Nel, Rudie
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| · The legacy of afrophobia and white supremacy in the plight of African migrants in South Africa Sekati, Phenyo
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