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versión On-line ISSN 2304-8557
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Koers (Online) vol.78 no.2 Pretoria ene. 2013

 ·  Preface to fetschrift dedicated to Prof J.J. Venter
Coletto, Renato

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 Original Research
 ·  The re-appreciation of the humanities in contemporary philosophy of science: From recognition to exaggeration?
Coletto, Renato

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 ·  Adam Smith's contribution to secularisation
Simons, Petrus

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 ·  (Ir)rationalism: At the cross-roads of historical and systematic reflection
Strauss, Danie F.M.

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 ·  Pragmatism attacking Christianity as weakness - Methodologies of targeting
Venter, J.J. (Ponti)

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 ·  Organism versus mechanism: Losing our grip on the distinction
Reitsema, Henk

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 ·  Towards a balanced view of H.F. Verwoerd
Froneman, Johannes D.

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 ·  An ontological exploration of change and constancy
Loubser, Ananka

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 ·  Homo ludens or homo respondens? A Christian-philosophical response to a contemporary view of the human being as primarily a player instead of an answerer
van der Walt, Barend J.

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 ·  Teaching for a transformative engagement with our context: The importance of care in Christian pedagogical suggestions for higher education
Hoogstad, Helena

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 ·  Methodologies of targeting - Renaissance militarism attacking Christianity as 'weakness'
Venter, J.J. (Ponti)

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 Other Contributions
 ·  Calvin on slavery: Providence and social ethics in the 16th century
Kayayan, Eric

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