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Reading & Writing
versión On-line ISSN 2308-1422
versión impresa ISSN 2079-8245


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Reading & Writing vol.15 no.1 Cape Town  2024

 Original Research
 ·  Using mobile reading devices to encourage positive leisure reading practices amongst adolescents - a case study from Zimbabwe
Hugo, Anna J.; Bachisi, Ivan

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 ·  Playwriting as an emergent pedagogical tool for primary school student teachers
Khasu, Mosa N.; Henning, Elizabeth

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Rethinking literacy and pedagogic agency in the 4IR
 ·  Technological literacy and its influence on teachers' adoption of a blended learning approach
Teane, Florah M.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Literacy in practice
 ·  Pre-service teacher investment through dialogic action learning
Fouché, Ilse

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 Original Research
 ·  Reading cultures - Towards a clearer, more inclusive description
Morse, Katherine; Ngwato, Tara Polzer; Huston, Katie

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 ·  Erratum: Rethinking literacy pedagogy in the context of 4IR: Learners' access and reading motivation
Olifant, Florence M.; Boakye, Naomi; Cekiso, Madoda

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 Original Research
 ·  Teachers as change agents: Teaching English First Additional Language in schools in Gauteng
Venketsamy, Roy; Hu, Zjing

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 ·  Whose reading translates into mastery in English First Additional Language at Intermediate Phase?
Mokgadi, Thapelo; Hove, Muchativugwa L.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Literacy in practice
 ·  Investigating measurement invariance in PIRLS 2021 across English and isiZulu language groups
Mthimkhulu, Sinethemba; Roux, Karen; Mihai, Maryke

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 Original Research
 ·  The acquisition of constructions: Does modality matter?
Wright, Richenda; Geertsema, Salomé; le Roux, Mia; Winckel, Elodie; Dąbrowska, Ewa

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 ·  Writing pedagogy in higher education: The efficacy of mediating feedback with technology
Peungcharoenkun, Tipaya; Waluyo, Budi

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 ·  Motor development: A precursor to support Grade R literacy learning - Lessons from BuddingQ
Talbot, Anna L.P.; Barends, Zelda

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Literacy in practice
 ·  Exploring views on praxis possibilities of multilingualism in university literacy pedagogies
Yafele, Simbayi

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 ·  Expanding the neighbourhood watch: Orthographic neighbours in isiXhosa reading and spelling
Cox, Paige S.; Bowles, Tracy N.

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 Editorial - Special Collection: Literacy in practice
 ·  Reading for meaning: The need for urgent intervention for sustainability
Uleanya, Chinaza

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Literacy in practice
 ·  The strategies in teaching isiXhosa semantics in Foundation Phase: A systematic review
Gobodwana, Anele

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 Original Research
 ·  Challenges experienced by teachers in implementing the creative writing curriculum
Jansen, Jessica M.-A.; Ngema, Millicent

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 ·  Reading habits of student teachers studying at a distance-learning institution in South Africa
le Roux, Sarlina G.

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