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Communitas (Bloemfontein. Online) vol.27  Bloemfontein  2022

 ·  Achieving sustainable corporate social responsibility outcomes: a multiple case study in the South African mining industry
Serfontein-Jordaan, Muriel; Dlungwane, Sixolile

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 ·  Strategic communication, enhanced sustainability and embedded communities: assessing approaches by a platinum mine in Zimbabwe
Masuku, Caven

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 ·  Norma Foster and 'wildlife in crisis'
Glenn, Ian

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 ·  An exploratory study of online internal communication within an employee relationship management approach: a Kenyan case study
Waititu, Paul; du Plessis, Charmaine

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 ·  Measuring integrated internal communication: a South African case study
Mandiwana, Awelani Reineth; Barker, Rachel

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 ·  Assessing the effectiveness of influencer marketing communication of beauty products on social media in South Africa: a consumer's perspective
Ramela, Odireleng; de Villiers, Marike Venter; Chuchu, Tinashe

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 ·  Does the use of cause-related marketing in fast food restaurants lead to different consumer perceptions?
Matiringe-Tshiangala, Tanitta; Nhedzi, Abyshey

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 ·  Queer marginality and planning for brand resonance: a qualitative critique of the South African advertising industry
Dziba, Khangelani; Enslin, Carla; Ndzwayiba, Nceba

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 ·  The flâneur in the wagon home on the hill: an exploration of precedent and place brand identity as social construct
Enslin, Carla; Cronjé, Franci

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 ·  Strategic multi-stakeholder partnerships for achieving SDG 9 through the revival of South African township industries
Selebi, Olebogeng; Mhlongo, Sandy Oupa

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 ·  Understanding the dynamics of broadcast operations driven by a converged digital ecosystem
Motsaathebe, Gilbert

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 ·  Towards a communication strategy implementation framework for Higher Education Institutions in Lesotho
Letlatsa, Relebohile

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