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Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
versión On-line ISSN 2520-9868
versión impresa ISSN 0259-479X


Tabla de contenido
Journal of Education  no.94 Durban  2024

 Research Articles
 ·  The contribution of the South African Education Research Association to strengthening education research in South Africa
Bertram, Carol; Robinson, Maureen

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 ·  Editorial
McDonald, Zahraa; Hlazo, Noluthando; Soudien, Crain

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 ·  The becoming of a Curriculum Studies Special Interest Group: Reactive, interactive and intra-active complicated conversations
Le Grange, Lesley; Du Preez, Petro; Moonsamy Maistry, Suriamurthee; Simmonds, Shan; Blignaut, Sylvan; Ramrathan, Labby; Reddy, Chris

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 ·  The quest for magnanimity: Tensions and paradoxes - A rejoinder to the article "The becoming of a Curriculum Studies Special Interest Group: Reactive, interactive and intra-active complicated conversations"
Samuel, Michael Anthony

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 ·  Let the conversations continue - A rejoinder to the review "The quest for magnanimity: Tensions and paradoxes"
Le Grange, Lesley; Du Preez, Petro; Moonsamy Maistry, Suriamurthee; Simmonds, Shan; Blignaut, Sylvan; Ramrathan, Labby; Reddy, Chris

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 ·  "Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages": A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship
Pithouse-Morgan, Kathleen; Pillay, Daisy; Naicker, Inbanathan; van Laren, Linda

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 ·  Social justice in community music and music education: Praxial musicking
De Villiers, Ronel; Oellermann, Esmari

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 ·  Potholes in the academy: Navigating toxic academic practices in South Africa
Singh, Marcina

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 ·  Towards a phenomenology of the broken [South] African body as the site for research in education
Koopman, Oscar; Koopman, Karen Joy

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 ·  Decolonising pedagogy: A critical engagement with debates in the university in South Africa
Hardman, Joanne

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 ·  On becoming and being an A-rated researcher: Conversations with South African A-rated scholars in education
Ramrathan, Labby; Cassim, Tohida; Pather, Indran

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