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In die Skriflig
versión On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versión impresa ISSN 1018-6441


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In Skriflig (Online) vol.58 no.1 Pretoria  2024

 Original Research
 ·  Need for continuous leadership training on sustainability of United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe
Magezi, Vhumani; Moyo, Irvin; Nanthambwe, Patrick

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 ·  The pastoral role in moral regeneration - A South African perspective
Baloyi, Magezi E.

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 ·  Using ecumenical experiences to respond to new public life challenges
Gaga, John; Masengwe, Gift; Dube, Bekithemba

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 ·  Suffering - an urgent exhortation: 1 Peter 4:12-19 exegetically re-examined
Breed, Douw G.

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 ·  Pentecostal theology regarding disability in African neo-Pentecostalism
Kgatle, Mookgo S.

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 ·  The interplay of migrants and host nations for the good of nations: A biblical-theological reflection
Magezi, Christopher

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 ·  Missiology as encounterology: Pentecostal considerations
Kgatle, Mookgo S.

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 Review Article
 ·  The importance of comfort in the Heidelberg Catechism
Janse van Rensburg, Antionette

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 Original Research
 ·  Pentecostal church and politics: Interdependent instruments of God's mission in Africa
Ingaboh, Titus M.

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 ·  Seeing and hearing Hagar: An affective reading of Genesis 16
Martin, Lee R.

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 ·  Ecclesiastico-pastoral care for social security grant holders in South Africa
Landman, Christina

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 ·  Φανερόω: 'n Wederkomswoord in die Nuwe Testament
Malan van Rhyn, H.P.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Theological perspectives on the Presbyterial church governance system
 ·  Decision-making in the Reformed Churches in South Africa
Venter, Francois

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 ·  Lived experiences of the 'Wisdom of God' according to 1 Corinthians 2
van der Merwe, Dirk G.

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 ·  Corrigendum: Munus triplex: A pedagogical application of a theological concept
van Vlastuin, Willem; de Muynck, Abraham

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 Original Research
 ·  Gender balance: A new lens for reading and studying the Bible, Part 1
Branch, Robin Gallaher

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 ·  Mimetic desire in Augustine's Confessiones as a model for natural theology and virtue ethics
Baleng, Godfrey T.

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 ·  The authority of God takes precedence over Scripture and tradition
Makuwa, Phaswane S.

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 ·  Compilation of the Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
Britz, Rudolph M.; Meijer, Marius D.

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 ·  The fivefold ministry in African neo-Pentecostalism: Constructing a Pentecostal theology of edification
Kgatle, Mookgo S.

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 ·  Worship services display the spiritual stand of the Dutch Reformed Church
Strauss, Piet J.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Biblical Theological investigations into the attribute of Gods wisdom
 ·  Jesus as the personification of God's wisdom in Matthew
Viljoen, Francois P.

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 Original Research
 ·  A reflection on the identity of the club of Yahweh in Jeremiah 51:20
Terblanche, Marius D.

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 ·  Issues of doctrine and reality in Christian attitude towards traditional medicine in Nigeria
Ademiluka, Solomon O.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Biblical Theological investigations into the attribute of Gods wisdom
 ·  God knows all: An intertextual study of Hebrews 4:12-13 and Deuteronomy 29:28
Coetsee, Albert J.

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 Original Research
 ·  Augustine on music as the harmonious language of spirituality: An apophatic theological study
Baleng, Godfrey T.

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 ·  'Connected or committed critic?' Theologically pondered on the issue of 'Insider'- or 'Outsider' critic in South Africa
van Wyk, Jan H.

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 ·  'Έρχομαι as a word denoting the second coming in the New Testament and the telos of its use in the book of Revelation
Malan van Rhyn, H.P.

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 ·  Gender balance: A new lens for reading and studying the Bible, Part 2
Branch, Robin Gallaher

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 ·  Pastoral and ecclesial madness': Facing the failure of 'democratism' within the current civil turmoil in South Africa
Louw, Daniël J.

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Theological perspectives on the Presbyterial church governance system
 ·  Leading and equipping people for good deeds as a crucial part of parish ministry
Breed, Gert

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Biblical Theological investigations into the attribute of Gods wisdom
 ·  God's gift of wisdom in words, actions, and practical skills
Branch, Robin Gallaher

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 Original Research
 ·  Three perspectives on the notion of 'the best interests of the child'
van der Walt, Johannes L.; Oosthuizen, Izak J.

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 ·  The necessity of an empirical study to determine if church congregations function as a family
Roeland, Rika L.; Breed, Gert; Denton, Rudy

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 ·  God's acts in Lukan-Acts: God's active involvement in the execution of the plan of salvation
van 't Spijker, Jan

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Theological perspectives on the Presbyterial church governance system
 ·  Theology and Church Polity: What becomes of the Holy Spirit in our theology and Church Polity?
Smit, Johannes

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 ·  The concepts 'mutual concensus' and 'exclusion from the church community' in Church Polity
Vorster, Jacobus M.

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 Original Research
 ·  Spiritually gifted and divided? A text-centred interpretation of 1 Corinthians 12:1-31a
Kukuni, Tsholofelo J.

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 ·  Serving single-parent families with adolescents: An inclusive and intergenerational challenge
Scholtz, Johan W.; Nel, Malan; Beukes, Jaques

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 ·  Theological ethics expressed through Setswana proverbs: Another way of decolonising theology
Resane, Kelebogile T.

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 ·  LaCugna's relational understanding of the Trinity: A theological embedding of the pastorate
Barnard, Annelle

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 ·  The fruits of a text-generated persuasion-interpretation of 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:3
Cornelius, Elizabeth M.; Kukuni, Tsholofelo J.

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 ·  Reviewing doxological motivation for church missional music from a reformational perspective
Muswubi, Takalani A.

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 ·  Bullinger's expression - praedicatio verbi Dei est verbum Dei, within his view of Scripture
Diedericks, Morne

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 ·  Missional precepts of the jubilee as an incentive to address poverty in South Africa and beyond
Muswubi, Takalani A.

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 ·  With regard to persons: Divine election of the poor in James and Paul
Dekker, Pieter Dirk

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 Original Research - Special Collection: Theological perspectives on the Presbyterial church governance system
 ·  The missiological implications of Jesus's final departure from the Temple for Western Christendom
Ferreira, Ignatius W.

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 Original Research
 ·  Transhumanism as a positional good, economic inequality, and a response from Christian ethics
Kotzé, Manitza

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 ·  Sexual intercourse without marriage as a multidimensional sin
Zuiddam, Benno A.

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 ·  Assessing the sociological and Pauline insights to the quests for peace and security in Nigeria
Ukeachusim, Chidinma P.

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 ·  A biblical foundation for public pastoral care practice: A biblical reflection
Magezi, Vhumani; Manzanga, Peter

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 ·  Proverbs 31:10-31: Autochthonous wives' roles for stable families in Ohafia matrilineal society
Chukwuma, Onyekachi G.

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 ·  Principles for the Bernese policy on religion
Inniger, Matthias G.; Vorster, Jakobus M.; Rheeder, Riaan

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 ·  A ritualistic reading of Mark 7:1-23
Hombana, Mphumezi

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 ·  An Open Declaration [Openlike Verklaring] concerning the Presbyterian Church government system
Mathundela, Chaka C.

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 ·  Double vindication, collective rebuke: Examining (Divine?) wisdom in Matthew 11:19 and Luke 7:35
Watson, Matthew

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